Avis., Montgomery County, PA
"Treatment saved my life."
"Treatment saved my life."
"After I did ten months in prison I decided to go to rehab, and it changed my life."
"I knew I had a problem but would not admit it; I moved to Pennsylvania and my problems moved with me."
"For years, my substance use defined me; but now, I embrace my recovery and use that to define me. "
"I am sharing my story of recovery because I believe that HOPE is one of the most powerful tools in overcoming addiction."
"I want those still struggling to know that there is a way out, you just have to take it. It’s not easy, easy is what got you to where you are."
"I am blessed every day to be on the front lines of not only fighting my addiction, but ending the stigma associated with drug addiction."
"Eight years after my first relapse, I am sober and free. I have the greatest family and friends you could ask for. Most importantly, I love me! "
"I gave my heart and soul throughout every single session, and did the 90 NA meetings."
"My life continues to get better every day, and this is only possible by living one day at a time, without the use of substances."