"There are wonderful days and bad days, but now I have days."
I was struggling with alcohol issues most my adult life; I had periods of sober time but always went back to my addiction. Towards the end of my addiction I was physically dependent on alcohol to survive. I was literally killing myself with every sip; I had everything to live for, an amazing husband, wonderful parents, friends, and two little girls who adored me. So why would I do this? I did this because I suffered from a disease and I needed treatment.
Once I finally admitted I was powerless when it came to alcohol, I was able to go to treatment and my life started to change. My sobriety date is August 15th, 2016. I will be in recovery for the rest of my life. Now I’m living an amazing substance free life; I live life on life’s terms.
This is why I am sharing my story. There are wonderful days and bad days, but now I have days. I live in an honest place which is truly the best feeling. I work a program because I need it; I have a sponsor because it works. I can’t express how incredibly grateful I am today.