"There were many twists and turns in my journey over the past fifteen years that were not pleasant or easy."
As a child I was always nervous and shy around others; I shunned attention even though I craved it. At eleven years old I found my magic pill. Drugs and alcohol made me outgoing, funny, and confident.
For the next twenty years, self-medication was my answer for everything; I was always searching for the “ultimate” high. I constantly tried to find the right mixture of drugs and alcohol for the euphoric state I desired; the following years were essentially addiction maintenance. I told myself that euphoria was still attainable; I ignored the obvious, that I was an addict and an alcoholic.
In January of 2002, my eyes were opened, because of what I deem to be a spiritual experience, and I admitted myself to a detox. I followed with going to an intensive outpatient program and AA meetings. Before I knew him, my God guided me to the men who had what I wanted. I found out H.O.W. to get and stay sober; Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness.
This is why I am sharing my story. Today my life is beyond my wildest dreams; I have the job of my dreams, a comfortable home, and truly everything I need. Twelve steps, the wisdom of others, and a spiritual awakening has transformed me into the man I am today. There were many twists and turns in my journey over the past fifteen years that were not pleasant or easy. But I did not use or drink; if I remember to do that daily I can do anything. God’s blessings to all.