Jeff S., Allegheny County, PA
"I learned I needed to surrender my will daily and seek advice from others."
"I learned I needed to surrender my will daily and seek advice from others."
"Help is available; I am living proof of that."
"As prices increased, and your ability to rationalize as a human diminishes; you slowly start a trend of needing more money."
"I had become addicted to painkillers prescribed after an injury to my right hip."
"Three weeks into honest sobriety, I found myself finally coming clean about using marijuana and prescription pills eighteen months after treatment."
"I believe that one of the ways we can battle the disease of addiction as a society is to reduce stigmas and stereotypes by showing that recovery is possible and that addiction does not discriminate."
"I have mended fences, learned to be healthy, and found a purpose so meaningful that it fills my heart with joy."
"Of the many blessings I have received in recovery, the one I am most grateful for is the desire and opportunity to give back."
"I justified myself by saying I wasn’t injecting so I wasn’t that bad. Then, I found myself going through withdrawal without it, that’s when I knew I had a serious problem."
"My first collegiate recovery seminar was amazing. All these people were sharing my experience with me. "